This will take time and effort, but in the long run - Bhimber

Friday, 8 April 2016
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City: Bhimber, Azad Kashmir
Offer type: Sell


Contact name SaraJ Corbitt
Phone 870-278-0588

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You shouldn’t have? By addressing these questions as you go through your charts, you’ll likely realize that if you just stuck to the plan you’d have likely done much better than you did. Don’t beat yourself up over it. By going through this process constantly, eventually it will seep into your brain that you need to follow your plan to be successful, and behavioral changes will follow. One mistake is to look through the chart/trading log and try to figure out ways in which you could have made way more money on a particular day. This is generally a fool’s errand. What would have made you a bundle today may lose you a bundle tomorrow, and changing how you trade each day is a sure way to go broke. Instead,

just stick to a couple strategies and try to implement them as best you can. Focus on following your plan. Final Word A trading log tracks what you are doing with your trades during the day, so you can review those trades later for “quality assurance” purposes. I find the best way to keep a great daily record is to write notes on my charts throughout the day, mark my trades and strategies utilized, as well as any other pertinent information, and then save a copy of the chart on my computer. By putting this information right on the chart, it is much easier to look back and get a sense of what was going on that day. Use these trading logs for review–review at the end of the day and review at the end of the week

or month. Note how often you deviated from your trading plan, and how sticking to the plan would benefit you. This is a tool which will help you develop discipline in sticking to a winning system, if you use the tool correctly. Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast) Do You Use a Trading Log? Here's Why binadroid You Should, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating 0 0 No related posts. Comments by Vanilla 10 Visitors Online Now Live Chat 8am - 4pm EST Click to Join! Best Binary Options Brokers Marketsworld Marketsworld Trade Now IQ Option IQ Option Trade Now 24Option 24Option Trade Now Navigation Minimum Deposit Binary Option Brokers Bitcoin Binary Options Binary Options AutoTraders Binary Options Bots Binary Options Demo